



GENetLib: A Python Library for Gene–environment Interaction Analysis via Deep Learning



FunctanSNP: an R package for functional analysis of dense SNP data (with interactions)  


Densely measured SNP data are routinely analyzed but face challenges due to its high dimensionality, especially when gene–environment interactions are incorporated. In recent literature, a functional analysis strategy has been developed, which treats dense SNP measurements as a realization of a genetic function and can ‘bypass’ the dimensionality challenge. However, there is a lack of portable and friendly software, which hinders practical utilization of these functional methods. We fill this knowledge gap and develop the R package FunctanSNP. This comprehensive package encompasses estimation, identification, and visualization tools and has undergone extensive testing using both simulated and real data, confirming its reliability. FunctanSNP can serve as a convenient and reliable tool for analyzing SNP and other densely measured data.


iSFun: an R package for integrative dimension reduction analysis  


Description: In the analysis of high-dimensional omics data, dimension reduction techniques-including principal component analysis (PCA), partial least squares (PLS) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA)-have been extensively used. When there are multiple datasets generated by independent studies with compatible designs, integrative analysis has been developed and shown to outperform meta-analysis, other multidatasets analysis, and individual-data analysis. To facilitate integrative dimension reduction analysis in daily practice, we develop the R package iSFun, which can comprehensively conduct integrative sparse PCA, PLS and CCA, as well as meta-analysis and stacked analysis. The package can conduct analysis under the homogeneity and heterogeneity models and with the magnitude- and sign-based contrasted penalties. As a 'byproduct', this article is the first to develop integrative analysis built on the CCA technique, further expanding the scope of integrative analysis.


R package of dynamic SEIR model.  下载地址: https://github.com/ruiqwy/dSEIR

Description: For the prediction of the epidemic trend of COVID-19 pneumonia, a dynamic SEIR model was proposed by Kuangnan Fang , Rui Ten et al., which is based on the Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Removed model of transmission dynamics. The advantages of the model are as follows :(1) the model parameters can be dynamically estimated based on the real-time updated data; (2) compared with the traditional SEIR model, which assumes a closed environment, the proposed model can take into account the impact of population flow on disease transmission and has a better prediction effect.


R pcakge for the book 《R数据分析-方法与案例详解》


引用 文献:方匡南、朱建平、姜叶飞. R数据分析——方法与案例详解. 电子工业出版社. 2015.2

 京东: http://item.jd.com/11652652.html 

(二) 软件培训课程

  1. R数据分析(人大经济论坛主办) 现场班 http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-3820540-1-1.html

  2. R语言视频课程 初级班  http://baoming.pinggu.org/Default.aspx?id=24

  3. R语言视频课程 高级班  http://baoming.pinggu.org/Default.aspx?id=27




  1. 一种车险出险预测方法及计算机设备. CN202210567932.9

  2. 一种基于多种无监督方法融合的单指标异常检测方法. CN202010200442.6.

  3. 一种基于统计学习的液晶面板CF图片识别方法. CN201910450350.0.

  4. 经济景气指数检测方法、电子设备、储存介质. CN201810654477.X


  1.   中小微企业金融借贷信用评价指南.团体标准(标准编号:T/ZAITS 20201—2022).